Sept 4 – Erick Brownstein

Thursday, September 4th, 7:00 – 9:30 pm

Communication Design

In The Duncan Anderson Design Department Gallery at California State University, Long Beach
6241 East University Drive, Long Beach, CA 90815
Park in the Foundation Lot across from the Design Department main entrance – $5

We communicate to express or exchange information, ideas, thoughts, feelings…sometimes practical, sometimes profound. We all depend on our ability to communicate, but how much attention do we give to why, what and how we do it?

Erick B, advocate for class clowns, will be showing some YouTube videos, telling some stories and sharing some insight about what helps us communicate more effectively.

Erick B, marketer, entrepreneur and the founder of The New Agency, has experience across diverse industries, helping others navigate the ever changing digital landscape. He has guided and developed marketing strategies for the CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies, directed international environmental and human rights campaigns, assembled and led teams to develop, launch and promote successful consumer facing brands.



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