Oct 3 – Brian Weiner

Brian Weiner

Thursday, October 3rd, 7:00 – 9:30pm

Entrepreneurial Innovations in Augmented and Virtual Reality

In The Duncan Anderson Design Department Gallery at California State University, Long Beach

Join Brian Weiner, CEO and Founder of The Illusion Factory as he speaks to the ever growing use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in apps for smart devices. Don’t miss out on the chance to watch emerging technologies define the new landscape of human learning and interaction with their environments.

Brian Weiner has produced tens of thousands of projects to market and promote film, live, gaming, online and broadcast entertainment and consumer products for all of the major studios and broadcasters including Warner Bros., Paramount, Fox, CNBC, HBO, The CW Television Network, CAA, and many others. With a mastery of all media, The Illusion Factory and their sister company, Questsphere, are continually pushing the edge of new technology in many realms including Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Augmented Reality plays a very important role in the deciphering of the modern world in which countless forms of communication must transcend language and physical barriers to better service society. Apps are being created to enhance the world through augmentation of information which is readily transposed over the physical world for greater understanding, teaching or entertaining purposes.

Virtual reality has expanded the general public’s understanding of various moments in life by delivering a range of previously unattainable first person experiences.  These simulated experiences translate into everything from gaming to mass training for disasters of unparalleled magnitudes. Companies who leverage these technologies recognize countless fiscal savings by simulating larger than life experiences which are then used for drills and other valuable exercises of learning, training, and entertainment.

The Illusion Factory has spent the last 35 years staying on the cutting edge of new technologies and trends. This lecture will cover the paradigm shifts that cause opportunity for change. The sociological trends that impact those changes. And the technological advancements and innovations in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and other technologies that have emerged to create the current landscape. Students who attend will leave with a broader understanding of how all of these factors converge into practical business models and the creative process needed to think through a project of this scope and magnitude.

To see Mr. Weiner’s professional work, please visit:


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