Dec 4 – Mark Trageser

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Thursday, December 4th, 7:00 – 9:30 pm

Head in the Clouds

In The Duncan Anderson Design Department Gallery at California State University, Long Beach
6241 East University Drive, Long Beach, CA 90815
Park in the Foundation Lot across from the Design Department main entrance – $5

Mark Trageser’s work has won awards, driven sales, and been played with worldwide. He’s lead multi-functional corporate teams and currently run an independent business. He’s worked and trained with the best in the design and entertainment industries, yet stay open to learning from three year old kids in play testing.

His experience, and creative abilities let him concoct new brands, innovate existing categories, develop new product segments, or re-think any idea. How many other people could conceive and help bring to market a toy car that runs on milk, soda, water or soy sauce? [Hot Wheels- Formula Fuelers]

He focuses on 3D printing and other emerging technologies- which has quadrupled his output and quality of mechanisms and prototypes. The world is changing currently at a rapid pace. it has never been a better time to be an inventor. Creating the future is my job- and I love it.

Goals: To always have my head in the creative clouds of innovation, while keeping my experienced feet firmly planted on the ground of design development. Help the explosion of all the emerging digital manufacturing and 3D printing technologies.



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